Elysian Heights Elementary: Growing as a Community One Step at Time

Article from ElysianHeightsElementary.com

Elysian-HeightsOn Saturday, May 3, 2014 Elysian Heights Elementary School hosted its first ever Elysian Heights 5K. On the surface the event was a robust activity to fundraise essential funds for classroom technology and student enrichment materials. However, the event served a greater purpose in building community and providing children and their families an opportunity to enjoy the beautiful landscape and views of Elysian Heights.

In today’s fast paced society, neighbors are people we greet in passing and our interactions with our children involve taking them to a place they can play with friends or with their siblings. At Elysian Heights, we believe a community school should promote opportunities for all neighbors to come together and share in a positive experience. Where families and neighbors inspire each other to forge ahead on a challenging run in Elysian Heights Park.

This year the 5K had over 200 participants from students, parents, neighbors, police officers, local business owners, and teachers. Although the event was free, participants who donated received a shirt, medal, and official bib number as a gift for their generosity. All of the participants did a phenomenal job with a rigorous run in the streets and park of Elysian. The event netted $6,400.00 thanks to both major donors (Swimmingpool.com, Blue Rooster Art Supplies, Urban Hillsides Realty, Stericycle Specialty Waste, Arey Jones, Dodgers, and Councilman Mitch O’Farrell’s Office) and local community members. The funds are being used to purchase technology and enrichment materials to ensure we are providing students a 21st Century Educational experience.

We are excited to continue the Elysian Heights 5K on an annual basis. We believe our school should be at the center of promoting positive communal experiences that enhance both the learning experience of students and the living experience of our neighbors. We look forward to sharing our experience with more members of the Elysian Heights family next year on Saturday, February 21, 2015!