Neighborhood Issues Committee meeting agenda for 9/20/17

Neighborhood Issues Committee Agenda
Wednesday, September 20, 2017, 7 pm
Williams Hall, Barlow Hospital, 2000 Stadium Way

  1. Introductions and sign in
  2. Approve Minutes
  3. Schools & Civic:
    1. Dodgers issues
    2. LA Marathon
    3. Community Activist Memorial
    4. New Business
  4. Land Use:
    1. Action Required:
      1. 712 N Alvarado St Apartment Development DIR-2015- 3518-DB, ENV-2015- 3519-CE
      2. Remodels vs Demolition
      3. Fargo & Alvarado (4) single family residence project
    2. Open
      1. Barlow Hospital
      2. Bruce Court SF Development
      3. 1003 Everett Street demolition
      4. Short Term Rentals Ordinance
      5. 1340 Glendale Boulevard Mixed Use Project
    3. Action taken, awaiting conclusion
      1. Sunset/Everett Street Project
      2. Quintero SLSD
      3. Belmont Street SLSD
      4. 1245 Innes Ave. Cell Tower
      5. 1201 N Alvarado
      6. 1750 Glendale Blvd Apartments
      7. Temple and Glendale Apartment
      8. 1625 West Palo Alto Street (Hotel)
      9. 1650 Echo Park Ave Cell Tower
      10. Echo Park Avenue & Grafton Street
      11. 1509 N. Echo Park Avenue CUB
      12. Libre, 1606 W. Sunset CUB
      13. 1301 W Sunset Blvd Mixed Use
      14. 1304 EP Avenue Cell Phone Tower
      15. 1498 Sunset Blvd CUB
      16. Gigi’s Bakery CUP
      17. Mohawk Collective Adaptive Reuse & CUB
      18. 1250 Sunset CUB
      19. 1315 Colton & 1320 Court Apartments
      20. Chipotle Plan Approval Mohawk Collective
      21. SemiTropic CUP Renewal & Expansion
      22. 1453-1463 N Alvarado Street
      23. Elf CUB Renewal
      24. 301-334 Glendale Blvd Master CUP
      25. 1837 Santa Ynez 4-Car Garage +2 Apt Addn
    4. New Business
      1. 1324 Calumt Wireless Telecommunications Facility
      2. 245 N. Union
      3. Hollaway CUB Renewal
  5. Parks:
    1. Echo Park Lake
      1. Raskin Estate
    2. Elysian Park
    3. New business
  6. Public Works:
    1. Route 2 Terminus Improvement Project
    2. Mural Projects – EPIA Committee
    3. Clinton Stairway Project
    4. Sunset Cut Retaining Wall
    5. Downtown Echo Park BID
    6. Filming Committe
    7. Gabriella Charter School Beautification
    8. Creative Collective Electrical Box Art Project
    9. New Business
  7. Policies, Procedures, & Administrative
    1. Standing Rules, Membership Dues
    2. Elections Committee
  8. Newsletter/Web Page
  9. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items
  10. Future Agendas Items
  11. Next Meeting Standing
  12. Adjourn

July Town Hall Canceled

EPIA July Town Hall Canceled

PLUS our meeting locations have moved!

 The Echo Park Improvement Association is changing homes for our monthly meetings. Please make a note in your calendars.

Our new meeting place for Monthly Town Halls (First Thursday every month at 7pm) and Neighborhood Issues Committee (third Wednesday of every month at 7pm) will be at:

St. Athanasius Episcopal Church
at the Cathedral Center of St. Paul
840 Echo Park Avenue
Los Angeles, CA 90026

CD1 Candidate Forum Thursday, May 4

The EPIA invites you to a Council District 1 Candidate Forum on Thursday, May 4 and 7pm in Echo Park

Both Councilmember Gil Cedillo and Challenger Joe Bray-Ali have been invited to attend the forum (note: this is not a debate). Each will be given up to 20 minutes to speak about their candidacy and discuss issues of importance to the Greater Echo Park Community. After each candidate speaks, a moderator will facilitate questions from attendees.


CD1 Candidate Forum

Thursday, May 4 at 7:00pm

Williams Hall at Barlow Hospital, 2000 Stadium Way

Neighborhood Issues Committee meeting agenda for 4/19/17

Neighborhood Issues Committee Agenda
Wednesday, April 19, 2017, 7 pm
Williams Hall, Barlow Hospital, 2000 Stadium Way

  1. Introductions and sign in
  2. Approve Minutes
  3. Schools & Civic:
    1. Dodgers issues
    2. LA Marathon
    3. Community Activist Memorial
    4. Filming Committee
    5. Gabriella Charter School Beautification
    6. New Business
      1. Bob Baker DCA Grand Support
  4. Land Use:
    1. Action Required:
      1. 712 N Alvarado St Apartment Development DIR-2015- 3518-DB, ENV-2015- 3519-CE
      2. Remodels vs Demolition
      3. Fargo & Alvarado (4) single family residence project
    2. Open
      1. Barlow Hospital
      2. Bruce Court SF Development
      3. 1003 Everett Street demolition
      4. Short Term Rentals Ordinance
    3. Action taken, awaiting conclusion
      1. Sunset/Everett Street Project
      2. Quintero SLSD
      3. Belmont Street SLSD
      4. 1245 Innes Ave. Cell Tower
      5. 1201 N Alvarado
      6. 1750 Glendale Blvd Apartments
      7. Temple and Glendale Apartment
      8. 1625 West Palo Alto Street (Hotel)
      9. 1650 Echo Park Ave Cell Tower
      10. Echo Park Avenue & Grafton Street
      11. 1509 N. Echo Park Avenue CUB
      12. Libre, 1606 W. Sunset CUB
      13. 1301 W Sunset Blvd Mixed Use
      14. 1304 EP Avenue Cell Phone Tower
      15. 1498 Sunset Blvd CUB
      16. Gigi’s Bakery CUP
      17. Mohawk Collective Adaptive Reuse & CUB
      18. 1250 Sunset CUB
    4. New Business
      1. 1315 Colton & 1320 Court Apartments
      2. 1246 Court Street
  5. Parks:
    1. Echo Park Lake
      1. Raskin Estate
    2. Elysian Park
      1. Northeast Little League Facilities
    3. County Parks Needs Assessment
    4. New business
  6. Public Works:
    1. Route 2 Terminus Improvement Project
    2. Mural Projects – EPIA Committee
    3. Clinton Stairway Project
    4. Sunset Cut Retaining Wall
    5. Downtown Echo Park BID
    6. New Business
      1. Echo Park Utility Box Art Project, 11:11 A Creative Collective, Erin Stone & Paige Emery
  7. Policies, Procedures, & Administrative
    1. Standing Rules, Membership Dues
    2. Elections Committee
  8. Newsletter/Web Page
  9. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items
  10. Future Agendas Items
  11. Next Meeting Standing
  12. Adjourn

Echo Park Town Hall: What are your concerns?

Echo Park Town Hall: Thursday, April 6

The EPIA is hosting our monthly Echo Park Town Hall Forum Thursday, April 6 at 7:00 pm. Join us if you have specific or general concerns regarding criminal activities, development issues, and any quality of life issues.

During our town hall meetings, we discuss issues affecting our neighborhood, including the Echo Park Lake rehab project, new Echo Park businesses, land use issues, amongst others. Get out and volunteer, meet neighbors, and let EPIA help with your neighborhood projects like community clean ups, tree plantings, beautification projects, city related issues, and more.

We have invited representatives from Council Districts 1 and 13, Senior Lead Officers from Northeast and Rampart LAPD Divisions, Select Patrol, and others to discuss your concerns and provide you with helpful information.

All are welcome! Bring yourself, your neighbors, your input, and join us at Barlow Hospital, located at 2000 Stadium Way, in Williams Hall.

Neighborhood Issues Committee meeting agenda for 3/15/17

Neighborhood Issues Committee Agenda
Wednesday, March 15, 2017, 7 pm
Williams Hall, Barlow Hospital, 2000 Stadium Way

  1. Introductions and sign in
  2. Approve Minutes
  3. Schools & Civic:
    1. Dodgers issues
    2. LA Marathon
    3. Community Activist Memorial
    4. Filming Committee
    5. Gabriella Charter School Beautification
    6. New Business
  4. Land Use:
    1. Action Required:
      1. 712 N Alvarado St Apartment Development DIR-2015- 3518-DB, ENV-2015- 3519-CE
      2. Remodels vs Demolition
      3. Fargo & Alvarado (4) single family residence project
    2. Open
      1. Barlow Hospital
      2. Bruce Court SF Development
      3. 1003 Everett Street demolition
      4. Short Term Rentals Ordinance
    3. Action taken, awaiting conclusion
      1. Sunset/Everett Street Project
      2. Quintero SLSD
      3. Belmont Street SLSD
      4. 1245 Innes Ave. Cell Tower
      5. 1201 N Alvarado
      6. 1750 Glendale Blvd Apartments
      7. Temple and Glendale Apartment
      8. 1625 West Palo Alto Street (Hotel)
      9. Sage Micro-Brewery CUB
      10. 1650 Echo Park Ave Cell Tower
      11. Echo Park Avenue & Grafton Street
      12. 1509 N. Echo Park Avenue CUB
      13. Libre, 1606 W. Sunset CUB
      14. 1301 W Sunset Blvd Mixed Use
      15. 1304 EP Avenue Cell Phone Tower
      16. 1498 Sunset Blvd CUB
      17. Gigi’s Bakery CUP
      18. MOhawk Collective Adaptive Reuse & CUB
    4. New Business
  5. Parks:
    1. Echo Park Lake
      1. Raskin Estate
    2. Elysian Park
      1. Northeast Little League Facilities
    3. County Parks Needs Assessment
    4. New business
  6. Public Works:
    1. Route 2 Terminus Improvement Project
    2. Mural Projects – EPIA Committee
    3. Clinton Stairway Project
    4. Sunset Cut Retaining Wall
    5. Downtown Echo Park BID
    6. New Business
  7. Policies, Procedures, & Administrative
    1. Standing Rules, Membership Dues
    2. Elections Committee
  8. Newsletter/Web Page
  9. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items
  10. Future Agendas Items
  11. Next Meeting Standing
  12. Adjourn

February Town Hall: Homeless Issues

February Town Hall:

Homeless Issues

Thursday, February 2 at 7:00pm

Williams Hall, Barlow Hospital

Homeless issues can be wide-ranging for residents, business owners, the city and individuals facing or experiencing homelessness. We want to help the community understand what it takes to work with issues around homelessness, including how problems are dealt with, who does what and how the different actors need to connect with each other.

The EPIA has invited representatives of various agencies and offices that deal with the homeless to discuss the challenges of their work. The discussion will be moderated and will conclude with a moderated Q&A.

January town hall: Preserving Los Angeles

EPIA January Town Hall Presents: Preserving Los Angeles

Thursday, January 5, 2016 @ 7pm

Williams Hall, Barlow Hospital

In conjunction with the Echo Park Historical Society, we have invited special guest Ken Bernstein of the Department of Historic Resources to present on preservation efforts in the City. 

Mr. Bernstein will discuss the work that the department does and  how community members can participate. 

The presentation will be followed by a moderated Questions & Answers session.


November town hall: Short Term Rentals in Our Neighborhood

November town hall:

Short Term Rentals in Our Neighborhood

Thursday, November 3, 2016 at 7:00 pm

Williams Hall, Barlow Hospital (2000 Stadium Way)

Come hear representatives from AirBnB and Keep Neighborhoods First discuss the pros & cons of the proposed LA City Short Term Rental Ordinance.  A moderated questions & answers session will follow the panel discussion.

During our town hall meetings, we discuss issues affecting our neighborhood including new Echo Park businesses, land use issues and more. Get out and volunteer, meet neighbors, and let EPIA help with your neighborhood projects like community clean ups, tree plantings, beautification projects, or other city related issues.


Echo Park town hall Thursday, October 6

The EPIA is hosting our monthly Echo Park Town Hall Forum Thursday, October 6 at 7:00 pm. Join us if you have specific or general concerns regarding criminal activities, development issues, and any quality of life issues.

During our town hall meetings, we discuss issues affecting our neighborhood, including the Echo Park Lake rehab project, new Echo Park businesses, land use issues, amongst others. Get out and volunteer, meet neighbors, and let EPIA help with your neighborhood projects like community clean ups, tree plantings, beautification projects, city related issues, and more.

We have invited representatives from Council Districts 1 and 13, Senior Lead Officers from Northeast and Rampart LAPD Divisions, Select Patrol, and others to discuss your concerns and provide you with helpful information.

All are welcome! Bring yourself, your neighbors, your input, and join us at Barlow Hospital, located at 2000 Stadium Way, in Williams Hall.