Echo Park neighborhood issues overview

Andrew Garsten, EPIA President

The EPIA Neighborhood Issues Committee (NIC) is the “activist” arm of the EPIA. On the 3rd Wednesday of every month, nine volunteers with many years of experience report on, or discuss issues concerning schools, special events, land use, parks and public works issues that impact our community.

When appropriate, NIC will formulate recommendations to be brought to the general membership at our monthly town hall meetings for approval. The recommendations are then directed to the relevant politicians and/or decision-making authorities.

Here’s a list of issues that NIC is weighing in on, or continuing to monitor:

Barlow Hospital-Proposed Entitlements and Development – Monitoring
Morton Village complex – Monitoring
Filming Issues – No activity at this time
SB1818 Letter – Work in progress
Lot adjacent to Laguna Stairs – Monitoring
Senior Fish CUB – Letter of recommendations sent. Appeal was withdrawn by Neighborhood Council
Sunset/Everett Street Project – Letter recommending approval with conditions
Planet Home Bruce Court SF Development – Monitoring
Rosebud SFR project – Waiting for developer to come back with more info
Button Mash CUB: Letter recommending support with conditions
Echo Park Lake Restoration Project – continuing to monitor
Elysian Park 18 Acres Elysian Park Expansion Public Safety Issues – continuing to monitor
Northeast Little League Facilities – Letter recommending support
Route 2 Terminus Improvement Project – monitoring
Mural Documentation Project – Work in progress
Dodgers Issues – continuing to monitor
Sunset Streetscape Project – continuing to monitor
Academy Cut Clean Up – Work in progress
Farmer’s Market Wall Mural – Work in progress

The NIC invites anyone who is interested in issues impacting Echo Park and/or their quality of life, whether on this list or not, to come join us at our monthly meetings every third Wednesday at 7:00 pm, in Williams Hall at Barlow Hospital.