Echo Park town hall with Caltrans/Metro on 2 Freeway Terminus

On Thursday, September 4, the Echo Park Improvement Association Town Hall will feature representatives from Caltrans (along with Metro) to present a status update on the 2 Freeway Terminus project.

50 years ago, residents kept the freeway from expanding to the 101 freeway through Echo Park. Now that there are more and more cars on the road, the city is hoping to improve traffic flow on the increasingly congested 2 Freeway as it transitions into Glendale Boulevard. Residents and governing bodies haven’t always agreed on the direction of the project, however Metro adopted plans in contrast to resident input and concerns. At the next meeting, we’ll have an opportunity to get updates and ask questions on the project.

Caltrans is in the final design phases of the project, and intend to complete the design this summer and go to bid later this year. One of the issues that will be discussed is new street lighting from Allesandro to Branden Street, which has to be approved by adjacent property owners in a formal vote.

Metro has additional information on their website, click here.

This is an important opportunity to learn more about the project. Bring your neighbors, friends, and roommates to the meeting on Thursday, September 4 at 7:00 pm, in Williams Hall at Barlow Hospital.Print