
Hear from Sunset Flats developer at tonights Neighborhood Issues meeting

Please come and hear a presentation from the developer of a proposed mixed used development straddling Sunset to Elsinor Street at tonight’s EPIA Neighborhood Issues Committee.

What: Echo Park Improvement Association Neighborhood Issues Committee Meeting
When: Wednesday, 11/17, 7:00 pm
Where: Taix Restaurant (back room)


Neighborhood Issues Committee Agenda
Wednesday, November 17, 2010, 7 pm
Taix Restaurant, 1911 West Sunset Boulevard

Members: Andrew Garsten , Kelly Smith, Darren Hubert, Malcolm Schenot, Peter Lassen, Todd Walker, Isa Kae Meksin, Christine Peters, Steven Arthur, Judy Raskin

  1. Introductions and sign in
  2. Approve Minutes
  3. Schools
    1. Van De Kamps/LACC-LACCD (Garsten)
    2. CRES #14 Disposition (Garsten)
    3. New Items
  4. Land Use
    1. Barlow Hospital-Proposed Entitlements and Development (Garsten)
    2. Jenson’s Sign Update (Schenot)
    3. Morton Village complex(Garsten)
    4. Filming Committee (Garsten)
    5. News Stands (Lassen)
    6. 6 New SRF on Rosebud Ave. (Peters)
    7. Sunset Community Garden Mixed Use Project (Peters)
    8. Bertco Property (Hubert)
    9. Montana/Glendale/Lakeshore Restaurant (Lassen)
    10. Landa SRF (Hubert)
    11. AYC CUB Letter (Garsten)
    12. Rock & Roll Half Marathon (Garsten)
    13. New Business:
  5. Parks
    1. Echo Park Lake
      1. Restoration Project DEIR (Lassen for Raskin)
    2. Elysian Park (Peters)
      1. Hi Speed Rail//Alternative route may go under Elysian Park.(Peters)
    3. New business
  6. Public Works
    1. Route 2 Terminus Improvement Project (Lassen, Raskin)
    2. Mural Projects-EPIA Committee? (Telallah, Lassen)
    3. Walkable Streets-Streetscape and pedestrian amenities
    4. Working Group (Meksin)
    5. Dodgers traffic issues (Hubert)
    6. Scott and Glendale sewer repairs (Hubert)
    7. Labonge “taco truck ordinance” (Peters, Schenot)
    8. Temple/Patton Pedestrian Safety (Fernandez)
    9. New Business
  7. Policies, Procedures, & Administrative
    1. Standing Rules, Membership Dues. (Hubert)
    2. New Business
  8. Newsletter/Web Page (Hubert, Smith)
  9. Public Comment on Non-Agenda Items.
  10. Future Agendas Items
  11. Next Meeting /December 15th, 7pm
  12. Adjourn*Standing Rules:
  1. EPIA Reserve the right to oppose projects requiring entitlements when developer will not meet with us (or is non-responsive).5/16/2010/

Standing Procedures:

  1. EPIA will mail notification of meetings regarding development projects it is purview to 100 adjacent neighbors. 9/15/2010
  2. Developers will be asked if they voluntarily contribute a book of 100 stamps to defray the cost of outreach. 9/15/2010

Design Guidelines

  1. Adopted 10/20/2010